The Page for Interactive Media and Visual Culture
The Page for Interactive Media and Visual Culture
The Page for Interactive Media and Visual Culture
More timeline today with Bob. Not many people have done this one, only myself and a handfull of others present but I misinterpret the presentation and show the new Dome…
We go through some of Bobs time line and learn about various artists from the beginning of the last century, we then get given a short presentation to do next…
Personal presentation day today, very interesting finding out about everyones lives and what their strong points are when it comes to design. Matts portfolio was awesome, very impressive but I…
Presentation day today for the Joseph Beuys research project with Matt, Sam and Elliot. I thought it went quite well, the other peoples presentations were really informative as well. We…
Had our first lecture with Bob today, he’s cool. Got given a group presentation to do on famous artist Joseph Beuys, and my team consists of Matt, Sam and Elliot.